Friday, September 16, 2011

Council Resolution

Below is a copy of the resolution Council passed on Monday.  Visit this blog site regularly to stay informed, hear about public meetings and provide input on this project.

392 Disposal of Terminal Property


Welcome to the blog exploring the redevelopment of the Collingwood Terminals.  This is the primary public information site for this project.
Collingwood Council has passed a resolution to initiate a modified tender process with respect to the consideration of proposals for the sale of the Collingwood Terminals.
Additionally, staff have been directed to immediately initiate a public consultation process, and receive input from the public, developers, and respective agencies on the potential redevelopment of the site. 
In the coming weeks information will be provided and feedback will be gathered from key stakeholders, community groups and the general public on concepts for the terminals and waterfront.
This information will be presented to Council at a future public council meeting.
We look forward to receiving your comments.